Folk Art and Modern Culture in Republican China by Felicity Lufkin download book TXT, DOC, EPUB


Folk art is now widely recognized as an integral part of the modern Chinese cultural heritage, but in the early twentieth century, awareness of folk art as a distinct category in the visual arts was new. Internationally, intellectuals in different countries used folk arts to affirm national identity and cultural continuity in the midst of the changes of the modern era. In China, artists, critics and educators likewise saw folk art as a potentially valuable resource: perhaps it could be a fresh source of cultural inspiration and energy, representing the authentic voice of the people in contrast to what could be seen as the limited and elitist classical tradition. At the same time, many Chinese intellectuals also saw folk art as a problem: they believed that folk art, as it was, promoted superstitious and backward ideas that were incompatible with modernization and progress. In either case, folk art was too important to be left in the hands of the folk: educated artists and researchers felt a responsibility intervene, to reform folk art and create new popular art forms that would better serve the needs of the modern nation. In the early 1930s, folk art began to figure in the debates on social role of art and artists that were waged in the pages of the Chinese press, the first major exhibition of folk art was held in Hangzhou, and the new print movement claimed the print as a popular artistic medium while, for the most part, declaring its distance from contemporary folk printmaking practices. During the war against Japan, from 1937 to 1945, educated artists deployed imagery and styles drawn from folk art in morale-boosting propaganda images, but worried that this work fell short of true artistic accomplishment and pandering to outmoded tastes. The questions raised in interaction with folk art during this pivotal period, questions about heritage, about the social position of art, and the exercise of cultural authority continue to resonate into the present day.

Folk Art and Modern Culture in Republican China by Felicity Lufkin download DOC, DJV, TXT

Do Canadians know she marched on syphilis in Canada after winning the vote for women in Britain?In this genre-transcending book, trans writerand media artist Chase Joynt and HIV-positive movie artist Mike Hoolboom come together over the films of Chris Marker to exchange transition tales, confessional missives that map out the particularities of occupying what they call 'second lives': Chase's transition from female to male and Mike's near-death from AIDS.Bailey laid out a prophetic vision that has never been as timely as not This centennial edition presents new editorial content and the restored and authoritative text, along with a new foreword by Wendell Berry to introduce this classic of American environmentalism to a new generation of readers.Fascinating background chapters on history, geology and wildlife bring Yosemite to life.Navigation authorities and contact details."Death on a Summer's Day" tells the extraordinary story of one of the mostppalling and shocking public executions ever to take place in Britain.Half the houses in the city had four feet of water in them or more.Most crucially he was a close friend of Thomas Merton's and was made known, a little, by Merton's autobiography, in which he appears.The Central Park Ramble, an artfully designed wilderness in the middle of the city, with native and imported flora, magnificent rock outcrops, and numerous species of resident and migrating birds.It was 1982, the summer of the Falklands War, the ideal time, he found, to surprise the British into talking about themselves.